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EVIL DEAD: The Musical « Expect the Exceptional

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EVIL DEAD: The Musical

Tonight I got to see McDaniel’s theatre department put on EVIL DEAD: The Musical, a musical based on the Evil Dead movie trilogy. I like comedy, I know a lot of people in Evil Dead, and it’s McDaniel’s last show of the year, so naturally, I had to go see it.

The show was hilarious and the music numbers were catchy. Everyone kept swearing and dying, zombies sang and danced, and the main character ended up with a chainsaw for a hand–What’s not to love?

McDaniel’s theatre department may be small, but they put on a few shows a semester and they do a good job making sure different genres are represented each semester. That way, theatre majors can have experience in all different types of shows, from period dramas to Shakespeare to comedies and musicals–yes, even musicals about living dead people. Students don’t even have to be theatre majors to participate.

If you happen to live anywhere near Westminster and you’re looking for something to do this weekend, I highly recommend going to see Evil Dead, which you can catch Friday or Saturday night at 7:30 in Alumni Hall–just try not to be bitten by any zombies!

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