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Lectures on Campus « Expect the Exceptional

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Lectures on Campus

A great aspect of McDaniel is the amount of guest speakers and lectures we have on campus. A variety of departments, clubs, and organizations will have people come to the Hill to share their knowledge with us. I enjoy it because it is a different way to learn new information that I probably would not otherwise be taught. Students go for a variety of reasons, whether it be for pure pleasure or their teacher is giving out extra credit for those who attend. Either way, we are lucky to have so many opportunities to listen to some amazing people.

Just this past week, I attended two different lectures. One was on how science and creativity do intertwine, and the other was on how what we eat affects our brain. Both of these speakers were sponsered by two honors societies that I am a part of and both were very interesting. I really enjoyed the latter of the two because it was very psychology based, and as you all know, that is my major. The speaker, Dr. Terry Davidson from American University, theorized that the stereotypical, poor American diet affects our hippocampus, which decreases our ability to recognize internal signals telling us to stop eating, which makes us eat more food, and it becomes a vicious cycle. It was really fascinating!

So, if you enjoy extending your learning and attending a variety of lectures, McDaniel is the school for you 🙂

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