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Easter Through the Years « Expect the Exceptional

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Easter Through the Years

My fellow McBlogger, Steph Glassick, talked about her experiences of having Easter away from home and I thought I would join in on that topic. She is from California and I am from Colorado, so we both cannot go home for the weekend.

Luckily, I have an aunt and uncle that live in Alexandria, Virginia, and it is only about an hour and a half away.  I went to their house for Easter freshmen year and I am here now for this Easter Sunday. They have a three year old named Brody, so it is fun doing Easter activities with him! Today, we went to the Children’s Mass and then we visited their friend’s house for lunch. They had so much delicious food! The little kids also did an Easter egg hunt and that was so cute to watch 🙂

Sophomore year, I was studying abroad during Easter. I actually spent most of Easter Sunday in the airport, flying from Italy back to Hungary. However, the day before, I was with my two friends in Italy and Lucia  (who is a native Italian) bought us the tradition chocolate Easter eggs that they have. There is a little toy inside the middle of the chocolate egg! It was cool being a part of another culture’s traditions for Easter.

Junior year I decided to spend Easter with my roommate and fellow McBlogger, Maria Brew. Her family is so kind and welcoming, and I had a great time spending the weekend with them. We had a beautiful Easter dinner and ate so much food!

I am fortunate to have several options for Easter, that I do not usually get homesick around this time. Of course, I would love to be at home, but I have family close by and my friends’ families are my second families. I hope everyone had a happy Easter!

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