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The Wonder Dogs « Expect the Exceptional

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The Wonder Dogs

College can sometimes be a bit stressful with all the papers, project, etc. Thus, the constant struggle can be finding a way to relax. As I mentioned earlier, I often go and sing my worries away.

However, one of the best ways to relieve stress is through the K-Pets. K-Pets is a group of therapy dogs that come on campus to help us relieve our stress. It is such a great idea, and I am so happy when they come to campus.

They have all kinds of dogs with very different temperaments, but they are all super cute! My favorite was the lab that they brought because she reminded me of my dogs at home. My friends and I probably spent a good 20 minutes going around to each dog.

K-Pets just have a way of making your day! No matter what you are going through you always leave smiling.



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