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A busy week for English majors « Expect the Exceptional

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A busy week for English majors

This week happens to be a good week to be an English major! (And in a sense, a bad week, since I have to figure out how to balance all the cool English major events I’m going to with all of my demanding yet rewarding English major homework–lots of reading and writing still needs to be accomplished before the end of the semester.)

On Wednesday afternoon, English majors, English professors, and other interested students will convene in Red Square for the English department’s annual Shakespeare in the Square event. This event is hosted by Lambda Iota Tau (LIT), the literature honor society on campus, and students perform bits of Shakespeare and read sonnets and do other readings and performances in honor of the Bard–who happens to be turning the big 4-5-o this year. I went last year for the first time and had a lot of fun; I even read a sonnet (though I can’t remember for the life of me which one I read). I’d like to read something this year too, but I have no clue what to pick. Hopefully I’ll figure something out.

On Thursday afternoon, this year’s issue of Contrast, McDaniel’s literary magazine will be unveiled. I always enjoy going to the Contrast unveiling. I help judge submissions for Contrast, but the pieces I read do not have authors’ names attached to them, so it’s always fun for me to go pick up the new issue and find out who wrote what. I also enjoy listening to people reading their work aloud and mingling with some of my favorite people. And this year’s Contrast unveiling promises refreshments in the form of tiny quiche.

Soon after the Contrast unveiling, three of my fellow English majors and I will pile into a car and go participate in Carroll Literacy Council’s annual spelling bee. This will be my third year on the English department’s spelling bee team, and going to the spelling bee is always an enjoyable and memorable experience. When I was a freshman, our team got second place (with no help from me, since I was the team alternate) and last year, we got fourth place.

The English department is known around campus for issuing funny English major-themed t-shirts, which are given to graduating English majors each year. But as a spelling bee participant, I have an old senior shirt, which serves as my spelling bee uniform. It’s tie-dye and says, “I like big books and I cannot lie,” so when we go to the spelling bee, we McDaniel English majors always stand out.

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Here’s last year’s glorious McDaniel English spelling bee team (with English professor Dr. Mary wearing the Green Terror head). I’m looking forward to some spelling bee fun and success later this week!

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