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A Weekend to Relax « Expect the Exceptional

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A Weekend to Relax

As a track athlete, I usually have meets on the weekends, but our last two meets before conferences are on Wednesdays, which means that last weekend was finally one in which I had two days to get things done and relax instead of one. I also have this weekend to do that, which is lovely since this Wednesday is our last meet (and our home meet!), which means I’ll be doing a lot of resting and a lot of preparing for presentations and writing papers and designing websites and…well, homework this weekend. Having a meet would make that a lot more difficult.

Last Saturday, I went to a Westminster Little League baseball game to support my coach’s son, and it was great to be there since I used to enjoy going to my brother’s games when we were younger. It was also neat to that high school students were given the opportunity to be umps for the game.

After that, I worked on a paper, and then I went to see the Evil Dead with my roommate a few friends. It was really good, with some great singing, wonderful acting, and amusing lines. It’s not my favorite musical, but it was done very well.

I spent Sunday doing homework, exercising, and watching Doctor Who, which was just as successful and relaxing a day as Saturday, despite the lack of a baseball game or musical.

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