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Easter Weekend « Expect the Exceptional

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Easter Weekend

I hope everyone had a great Easter! I know I did! I left school on Friday and headed home for the weekend! The drive was not too bad because I did not hit too much traffic, which is always a bonus!

When I arrived home I immediately ran to the snack cabinet…but no worries I had a delicious home cooked meal that night…salmon to be exact! I forgot how much I loved my mom’s cooking. That night I caught up with my family and chatted at the dinner table for hours while taking mini breaks to throw in a load of laundry. That’s another benefit when going home–free laundry!

One of my goals for the weekend was to catch up on sleep so I went to bed fairly early. On Saturday I woke up and had a big brunch with my family. I was in charge of the toast and muffins while my dad covered the scrambled eggs.

Saturday was gorgeous out so I played some basketball with the family…a little old school knock out. It was so much fun! Then I went for a run with my brother-luckily I was able to keep up. After the run, I was able to chill and hang out for a little until dinner.

After dinner, my brothers and I played this game we found called cantor! I am currently obsessed with this game! I would say it is a combination of Risk and Monopoly…so it’s a great game. Best part is…it’s actually playable. The game only lasted about 2 hours…unlike Risk which can take over 4 hours. After that I was kinda exhausted to I hit the hay.

The following morning was Easter! I dyed an Easter egg and I made it into a Minion from Despicable Me! It was so cute! We went to my Aunts house for dinner and had our usual Easter Dinner, Lamb with green beans, and baked potatoes! After dinner I had to make my way back to McDaniel. So I loaded my car with all my laundry, snacks from home, and was on my way! Luckily, I did not have too much homework. But all in all, Easter was a success!

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