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We Spell FIRST PLACE! « Expect the Exceptional

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Tonight I finished off this week’s trifecta of fun English major events (which also included Shakespeare in the Square and the Contrast Lit Mag unveiling) by going to Carroll Literacy Council’s 15th “Anyul Spelin’ Be” as the alternate for the English department’s “We Spell McDaniel” team.

This was my third spelling bee on the team and my best yet (even though as the alternate, I didn’t actually have to spell anything) because this year, WE WON!

That’s right–by correctly spelling words including bemoan, aspartame, melatonin, and cheongsam (and some other teams spelling their words incorrectly) We Spell McDaniel was able to win the coveted first place trophy and eternal glory.

Even though I didn’t actually participate in the spelling bee, I still had a lot of fun. Dinner and dessert is always served at this event, and this year’s was delicious. And more importantly, there were pencils and paper at each audience table, so Kathy, the English department’s secretary, and I got to play along and see who could spell the most words correctly (and other words the most correctly).

I’m so proud of my team, and I’m so glad the seniors got to win their last spelling bee.

Each year, for as long as I’ve been going to the spelling bee, we’ve gone to Hoffman’s, a local ice cream place, for ice cream afterwards. Tonight, we earned it!

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We won first place in the spelling bee this year! Here’s the winning team and our fabulous supporters.

P.S. With our three seniors graduating this year, we’ll need some new spellers for next year. If you’re coming to McDaniel next year and are a super speller, drop the English department a line so you can help us seek another victory!

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