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Contrast–Unveiled! « Expect the Exceptional

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Yesterday, before I dashed off to the spelling bee, I had the pleasure of attending the unveiling of this year’s issue of Contrast, McDaniel’s literary magazine.

The unveiling of Contrast is a lovely way to honor the hard work of all of the writers and artists who submitted to the magazine as well as that of Contrast’s editorial board, which is comprised of students who evaluate the submissions to decide which ones are worthy of Contrast. (I’m a member of the ed board, and our meetings are one of my favorite activities on campus.) I always enjoy the opportunity to mingle with my peers and favorite professors in Harrison House, a building by Admissions with a fancy living room space where the English department likes to hold special events.

While I didn’t have time to mingle as much as I would have liked, I was able to enjoy some of the tasty refreshments (which included fresh fruit, cookies, brownies, and tiny quiche) as I listened to winners of our contests read their pieces aloud to a packed house. Even though I had already read all of the pieces in the magazine because I’m on the ed board, it was fun to find out who wrote what. (With the exception of the editors-in-chief of Contrast, during the judging process, no one on ed board knows who wrote what.)

Contrast is a wonderful way for McDaniel students across disciplines to submit their creative work and show it off to the world. Now that’s something worth celebrating.

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