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Alumni Game « Expect the Exceptional

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Alumni Game

Yesterday I had a wonderful day! I got to see several of my friends from the soccer team who had graduated in the past three years. This is because we had our alumni soccer game Saturday morning followed by a tailgate and the men’s alumni game.

Not only was it a beautiful day outside but I was also able to do a few of my favorite things. I got to play soccer, catch up with old friends, and eat some delicious food. Alumni games are usually held in the sports off-season. Therefore because soccer is played in the fall our alumni game is in the spring. During the fall the women’s soccer team does do a few things to include the alumni in our games but the team does not play the alumni until the spring.

This year since I am a senior, I was able to play on the alumni team! This was bittersweet but I still had so much fun!

The rest of the day was really fun as well! There was a men’s lacrosse game I went to with a few of my friends as well as a men’s baseball game. Spring sports always bring out a decent amount of fans, especially when the weather is nice.

I can’t wait for these next few weeks and the last few games of the season.

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