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These last few weeks of school « Expect the Exceptional

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These last few weeks of school

Alright so everyone knows the last few weeks of school are stressful but I never knew how stressful they could be until this year. Senior year is all about having fun, making as many memories as possible, and figuring out what you’re going to do after graduation.

These past few weeks have been extremely stressful for me trying to finish my capstone, writing papers, and taking a couple of tests. I have learned to manage my time so I am able to have fun with friends and make new memories. Doing this makes for late nights and early mornings but no matter how tired I am I just keep reminding myself I only have a few weeks left until I graduate and won’t be surrounded by my best friends anymore.

Recently, talking about graduation has been extremely sad. Everyone at McDaniel makes it so hard to leave. Don’t get me wrong I am very excited to be done with homework and school work but having to leave the people who have become your family is difficult.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is no matter how much work I have I would take being here at McDaniel with my friends over working in the real world any day. I hope as you all are preparing to leave home and start a new chapter in your life you remember that McDaniel becomes your home, and you friends your family.

Enjoy Spring..and these last few weeks of school.


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