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2014 April « Expect the Exceptional

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Best Saturday Ever

Today I hung out with some of the most awesome people ever! I have forgotten how much I love going to the Spanish house. We have the best intellectual conversations. We talked about politics, shared personal stories, and I was inspired in many ways.

I think sometimes in life it’s easy to become apathetic to […]



Yesterday, before I dashed off to the spelling bee, I had the pleasure of attending the unveiling of this year’s issue of Contrast, McDaniel’s literary magazine.

The unveiling of Contrast is a lovely way to honor the hard work of all of the writers and artists who submitted to the magazine […]


Tonight I finished off this week’s trifecta of fun English major events (which also included Shakespeare in the Square and the Contrast Lit Mag unveiling) by going to Carroll Literacy Council’s 15th “Anyul Spelin’ Be” as the alternate for the English department’s “We Spell McDaniel” team.

This was my third spelling bee on the team […]

Summer Approaches!

Hey there,

Today marks 27 days until I return to my home–Yellowstone National Park. I am so excited that I can hardly breathe. I worked there last summer, and a few of my friends, including four of my favourite people in the whole entire world, are coming back and I’m so overjoyed to be able […]

Easter Weekend

I hope everyone had a great Easter! I know I did! I left school on Friday and headed home for the weekend! The drive was not too bad because I did not hit too much traffic, which is always a bonus!

When I arrived home I immediately ran to the snack cabinet…but no worries I […]