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Lectures on Campus

A great aspect of McDaniel is the amount of guest speakers and lectures we have on campus. A variety of departments, clubs, and organizations will have people come to the Hill to share their knowledge with us. I enjoy it because it is a different way to learn new information that I probably would not […]

The Peep Show

Last weekend, I went to the Carroll Arts Center with some friends to go to the Peep Show. It was my first time going, and it was AMAZING!! They put up art displays of sculptures and pictures made out of the Peeps candies.

Besides the awesome artwork, there are super cute children everywhere! This little […]

My Summer Study Abroad Classes

I’ve recently received the official paperwork for my study abroad this summer at the University of Stirling, and I got all the classes I wanted! That means I’ll be taking three classes that count for a major/minor, and one history course just for the fun of it. Here they are and why I’m excited for […]

Easter and being away from home

Easter is right around the corner and whether you celebrate it or not it is still a good weekend to go home and get away from school. Since I am so far from home I unfortunately cannot make it there and back in a weekend.

Good news though, I have an Aunt that lives about […]

EVIL DEAD: The Musical

Tonight I got to see McDaniel’s theatre department put on EVIL DEAD: The Musical, a musical based on the Evil Dead movie trilogy. I like comedy, I know a lot of people in Evil Dead, and it’s McDaniel’s last show of the year, so naturally, I had to go see it.

The […]