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Senior Week! « Expect the Exceptional

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Senior Week!

With all the projects, papers, and test preparation going on right now, it is nice to have something to look forward to. The senior class definitely has an exciting time ahead and senior week is a part of all that excitement! Senior week is the week before graduation and the school puts on several awesome activities for us. There is a small fee, but it is well worth it!

This week, we had to register for everything and we were able to see what the week has to offer. There is a lot of great things in store for us! One night we get to go to an Orioles game. There is a crab feast lunch. The local restaurants and bars are having special deals for us. The list continues and I can’t wait! The best part is while we are doing all these fun activities, we will not have any homework. 🙂

Along with those fantastic events, we were also able to order tshirts. The tshirts have Senior Week 2014 on the front and the slogan: “We’re not here for a long time, we’re just here for a good time” on the back. Although it may be a cheesy saying, I love it and I think it holds some truth! College flies by, but you have to enjoy the moments you do have!

We’re almost on to our last week of classes and graduation is only 24 days away! While I have mixed emotions about graduating, I can definitely say I am looking forward to senior week 🙂

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