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What’s Next? « Expect the Exceptional

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Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa.

Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

What’s Next?

As my reach my final weeks of being an undergraduate, I cannot stop thinking about the future. It’s happening. I’m going to the real world. As seniors, we have A LOT to think about. What job we want, where we want to live, how we’re going to budget our money.

Luckily, McDaniel has prepared me for this drastic step. I have had my Resume looked over and changed by the CEO office, my professors, and my peers. I have learned about the little stuff in life…such as how to budget money…which is kinda important.

One thing that I have been debating about is whether to continue my schooling. There are a lot of factors but McDaniel does have some amazing programs here. There are so many choices, that I find it difficult to pick one. Thats why I believe I’m going to hold off for a little and see which way the wind takes me! Cheesy, I know.

Anyway, no matter how much I freak out I know everything will work out if I stay dedicated and continue to work hard.



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