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Annual Session–Maryland Student Legislature « Expect the Exceptional

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Annual Session–Maryland Student Legislature

McDaniel’s MSL delegation, which won the 2013-2014 award for Best Delegation.

Hey guys,
This weekend, I’ve been in Annapolis, MD for Maryland Student Legislature’s Annual Session of simulation the MD legislature. It’s been a whirlwind of events, and it barely feels like an hour ago that I left McDaniel, while that was actually on Thursday. I’ve had an insane amount of fun, and just tonight was elected to serve as Attorney General on the Council of State for next year.
At annual session, we debate acts and resolutions that us students had previously written. First, a bill goes through committee hearings, where a committee makes sure the bill is debateable and corrects for any minor wording issues. Next, it goes to either the Senate or the House, and if passed there, to the other chamber. If passed in both chambers, it goes to the governor for signing or vetoing.
I’ve been serving as Parliamentarian for most of session, which means that I look over amendments and approve/reject them as well as serve as the final word on anything to do with parliamentary procedure. However, this means that I’m unable to debate and vote, so I haven’t debated as much as I’d have liked to. I’ve still been able to meet amazing people and hear some really intelligent discussions and compromises, and, aside from going to Boston for Model United Nations, this has definitely been the best weekend of the year.

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