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Busy Bee Gets Some Free Time « Expect the Exceptional

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Busy Bee Gets Some Free Time

The past few weeks have been hectic with projects and track and papers and presentations and end of semester life. Having to get everything done as much as I could before this passed Friday forced me to spend my time outside of class and meals doing homework, which was tiring but totally worth it since I was able to complete what I needed to get done and could relax at least a little bit last weekend at this year’s outdoor track and field conferences.

Of course, I spent every night in the hotel doing homework, but I could spend the actual meet filming and watching the others on the team while I wasn’t competing.

After arriving back on Sunday night, I had to do homework again, and I also had to spend yesterday and most of today working on things, as well. However, after my last class today, I had something I have been craving: free time.

I spent it killing time with friends at dinner, dancing around with friends in my room, watching Supernatural, and finishing up with a movie called G.B.F. (GBF stands for Gay Best Friend). The movie was pretty good, but I was mostly excited to have time to sit and watch an entire movie. I would definitely recommend watching the movie.

From http://www.justjaredjr.com/2013/11/23/andrea-bowen-michael-j-willett-g-b-f-clip-watch-now/

With finals coming up next week, I’ll have to do a bit more work and studying, but I’m so glad the most difficult part of my semester is over.

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