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Coloring: A Great Stress Reliever « Expect the Exceptional

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Coloring: A Great Stress Reliever

With all of the stress of studying for tests and finishing up papers and projects, my apartment has discovered a great stress reliever: COLORING! We keep a couple of coloring books in our common room and we have a box of crayons and markers. Whenever we need to take a break and relax, we pull out the supplies and color away.

The pages we have colored have not only provided some relief, they have also served as awesome wall decor. We have a whole section of our wall dedicated to our art. It looks great and many of our friends have contributed as well!

So, as a word of advice, I recommend that you purchase a coloring book and a box of crayons for this finals week coming up. Everyone needs a break at some point and coloring is a perfect escape 🙂 GOOD LUCK WITH FINALS AND FINISHING UP SCHOOL WORK!

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