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One of the Coolest People on Campus « Expect the Exceptional

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One of the Coolest People on Campus

There are so many wonderful people on the McDaniel campus, but this guy made my day, so I had to blog about it. His name is Cliff, and we were in the same FYS (First Year Seminar) together. I had not seen him for a while because we have not had class since then.

While having class outside, I heard someone playing guitar and singing. Naturally, my first assumption is that he is probably the love of my life. However, I peaked around the corner to find that it was just Cliff.

Thus, we spent the rest of the afternoon just chilling together. He serenaded me with songs, and we just made a bunch of jokes about how he is love with me (which is obviously true). We just had a super fun time!

Now he is making a habit of playing out in public so hopefully, he’ll keep that tradition alive. I just love hearing music on campus. It’s the perfect background music to this awesome spring weather.

Cliff and his guitar

Cliff and his guitar

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