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Phi Alpha Delta Initiation Ceremony « Expect the Exceptional

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Phi Alpha Delta Initiation Ceremony

Hi guys,

On Friday night, Phi Alpha Delta had its re-activation and initiation ceremony.

Phi Alpha Delta is a professional pre-law fraternity. While the traditional fraternities and sororities you hear about are social, meaning they mainly group around social events and companionship, professional fraternities such as honors societies also exist, and PAD is one of these.

McDaniel used to have a chapter, but it had died a few years ago, so a good friend of mine decided to bring it back to campus. We needed 20 members to reactivate, and were proud to reach that number in time to have our initiation ceremony before the end of the year.

PAD’s exec board members at the ceremony.

The ceremony was in Little Baker chapel and was pretty formal, with all members getting a button and a certificate after signing a roster and taking a pledge. PAD on undergraduate campuses is a group for students who are interested in possibly attending law school and want to learn more. Most law schools have chapters, and over 1 in every 6 lawyers is a member of PAD, so it gets members connections as well as discounts on LSAT testing and application fees.

I’m not interested in going to law school; however, there’s a possibility I’ll go into public policy and because of this, the fraternity will be worth my time.



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