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Jersey Bound! « Expect the Exceptional

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Jersey Bound!

This past weekend I was Jersey Bound! I left after my last undergraduate class ever on Friday!!!! But it’s ok…the class was Archery! But I packed up lot in my room. All my winter stuff and the little stuff that never use or need at school. So hopefully when I officially move out, I’ll only need the one car. And I have a very small car so that’s why I need to at least two trips.

But the weekend was great! I went into Philly on Saturday. Got Geno’s cheesesteaks, which are my favorite! Then I walked down South Street in search of a graduation dress, but was unsuccessful–though South Street has some great stores! We also walked around Old City, which was gorgeous! I love that section of Philadelphia.

Then we had a nice family dinner on Saturday and Sunday I packed up the car and headed back to McDaniel so I could begin my studying for my finals! Finals week is officially starting!



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