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Three weeks ’til Hogwarts! « Expect the Exceptional

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Three weeks ’til Hogwarts!

I’ve been having a fun and relaxing summer, but now that August is finally here, I can hardly contain myself!–Three weeks from today, I’ll be back in the classroom at McDaniel College, my magical little Hogwarts in Maryland. This also means in less than three weeks, I’ll have moved back in.

There’s still lot I need to accomplish with less than three weeks to go in my summer. Weeks ago, I accepted the fact that I won’t finish reading all the books I had wanted to read this summer, I still have some must-reads to get through. Of course, today, the books haven’t been able to compete; since I want to hit the ground running when I return to campus, I’ve spent some time today sending emails, scheduling last-minute doctor’s appointments at home, and even packing some things that I want to have with me at school that I’m not currently using every day. I also registered for my campus parking pass and reminded my McDaniel Facebook friends to do the same.

The next few weeks will be filled with multiple trips to Target, actually going to the doctor, reading what I can, packing like a maniac, and yes, even more emails. At least registering for parking only needs to happen once a year (though once I get to campus, I’ll need to go to Campus Safety to pick up my parking sticker).

Time is going to fly by this month, and while I just want to be back at my Hogwarts, I’m going to need all the time I still have in between now and then!

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