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Reminiscing About Summer « Expect the Exceptional

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Reminiscing About Summer


On the Beaver Ponds hike, the type of area you come to and never want to leave.

Hey guys!

I’ve been back on campus for three weeks now. Classes have only been back in session since Monday, but I was back two weeks early for training to be an RA (Resident Assistant.) It still feels weird waking up here and not in Yellowstone, where I spent all summer; it feels weird waking up to go to class instead of to work; it feels weird hanging out with friends in rooms instead of while hiking in the wild country.


The most gorgeous sunsets were always when there were clouds in the sky.

My summer was absolutely incredible, and well needed. I must have hiked over 200 miles, and I think I must have opened my laptop about three times. I went camping a lot and pushed myself to take advantage of every single day. I was working in the gift shop full time, and I really loved getting to talk to guests from all over the country and all over the world. I met one lady from Argentina and told her in Spanish that my Spanish teacher last year is also from there.


A twenty minute walk away from where I lived and worked.

I definitely kind of fell off the face of the planet at times, but it was amazing to just live in the moment a little and to enjoy the company of those around me. I miss my Yellowstone friends a lot, and it’s funny–I transitioned really well into freshman year, but starting my sophomore year has been a lot harder. It’s been lovely to see my friends here again though; I missed them a ton. And I’m excited for my classes and especially my teachers this coming semester!


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