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Home Away From Home « Expect the Exceptional

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Home Away From Home

Hey guys,room1

One of the most important things to me at McDaniel is my room. While in Yellowstone, I was barely ever in my dorm room, I spend a lot of time in my room at school, whether it’s sitting at my desk working or hanging out with friends. It’s important to me that my room be a space I really feel at home in since I’m so rarely in my technical ‘home’ in San Francisco. I also like to keep my door open so passersby can stop by and say hi (as well as because I have to as an RA when I’m on duty!) so I like having a comfortable environment.

I’ve invested significantly in posters. They were $3 each with an additional $15 for flat rate shipping, so I bought about ten last year. Most of them are of my favourite bands, but one is of San Francisco. I also have printed over 100 photos, so I have a wall of pretty Yellowstone photos and lots of pictures of my friends, since I miss them tons.

A small thing that I also have that adds a lot of character is a fleece blanket that I use as a rug. It adds character to the floor, which is the same industrial green throughout the entire building, and provides a nice place for people to sit since I currently only have one chair.


A friendly rug adds character to the floor and provides a nice place for people to sit.

My friendly rug.


Friends on my pillow!


Dave Grohl stares over my desk–motivation when I have writer’s block!

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