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A Budapest Beginning: Orientation Week in Budapest « Expect the Exceptional

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A Budapest Beginning: Orientation Week in Budapest

Hello! Before I begin blogging about my semester abroad in Budapest, here is a little background information about me. My name is Leanna and I am a current junior at McDaniel with a French and Political Science double major and a minor in business. I am originally from Turlock, California and after touring around 50 different colleges around the country, I finally chose McDaniel — the best decision of my life. At McDaniel, I am a Global Fellow (I will talk about that in a future blog), I work at the Writing Center and at the Admissions Office; I have been a Peer Mentor, a Parent Preview Guide, and part of the LEAD program. I could write a novel discussing the great opportunities and memories I have had due to McDaniel, but to save you from that lengthy reading, this blog will have a primary focus on my experiences at McDaniel College in Budapest.

McDaniel College campus in Budapest is arguably one of the easier study abroad options for McDaniel students because McDaniel professors and staff helHungarian Parliament Building in Budapestp students each step of the way, scholarships transfer, and the college environment is relatively similar at the Budapest campus (small classes, credits transfer, etc.) This study abroad option in Budapest was another perk that attracted me to McDaniel, not too many university students can say that they have studied, or lived in Hungary.

I arrived in Budapest on August 22 and orientation lasted one week before the beginning of classes .  The orientation was phenomenal with a whirlwind of experiences and new sights; each day was truly exhilarating. All students moved into apartments and we were all pleasantly surprised to find that our apartments are located in ideal locations throughout the city.

The first week of orientation for McDaniel study abroad students included a bus tour of the city, a trip to the Great Market, some survival Hungarian language instruction, and a dinner river cruise Danube- not bad for a first week in Hungary.

I honestly could write pages about each place I have visited and every interesting experience, but I would not want to give everything away- you will have to study abroad yourself! Even though I have only been in Budapest for a little over a week, it has already been the best experience of my life. I cannot imagine what the next three months will have in store!

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