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Fall Semester, Sophomore Year « Expect the Exceptional

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Fall Semester, Sophomore Year


A handful of my textbooks for the semester.

Hi there!

Teachers really can make or break classes, I have remembered in these first two weeks of classes. I’m an English/Political Science double major, but this year I’m going to take a lot of English classes and very few PoliSci classes–next year, I’m going abroad to Morocco, and the university I attend there will offer a LOT of PoliSci classes and no English classes, so I’m planning correspondingly.

I’m definitely into the writing aspect of English a lot more than the literature side. Though I definitely understand why I have to take literature classes to see how authors in the past have successfully used rhetoric and how our ideas and conceptions have evolved, I’m simply never going to be as excited to take a class on Renaissance Literature as I am for a class on Creative Writing. Though I read for fun pretty much whenever I can, I tend to read books written post-1950, and a lot of young adult fiction that has comparatively less literary value than the classics. I’m taking two literature classes this semester, and though I came in with a slight sense of terror, I’m actually really excited for one of them and confident about the other. The English department has some really talented professors that are great at making me feel like I can form some solid analyses of literature while I learn how to do so skillfully.

In addition to my four English classes, I’m taking one honors PoliSci class that I’m also excited for. I love how honors seminars have people of all disciplines that will contribute a lot, since I think interdisciplinary thought is really important.  This semester’s definitely going to be a busy one, but I’m excited for all my classes, even those dreaded literature classes!



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