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French Film Festival « Expect the Exceptional

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French Film Festival

Yesterday I went to the first movie of the French Film Festival we have on campus every year. I have made it a point to try and see all of the animated films they offer because I think the French have such a different style from the traditional Disney/Pixar films that I love.  This film, Approved for Adoption (2012), was about a boy adopted from Korea after the Korean War and his struggle to find his place in French society.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film because it gave me a new perspective on a topic that I think about often: Who are you? What makes you who you are? Is it race, culture, birth order? How do we become who we are, and how do we find our place in the world?

I love it when a movie makes me think about my own life in comparison with the lives of others. The way in which discover who we are is different for every person that’s what makes it so fun to learn about the experiences of other people.

I left this film feeling enlightened and uplifted. Although I may not be able to make it to every event on campus, when I do go, I always leave having learned more about myself and others. Can’t wait for the next movie in the Festival!

Image credit: http://www.gkids.tv/approved/

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