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Thursdays are my Fridays « Expect the Exceptional

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Thursdays are my Fridays

A lot goes into any given week in the lives of McDaniel students. With full schedules of classes, plenty of thought-provoking and engaging homework, campus jobs, student organizations, and even fun, we work hard and play hard here on the Hill.

I myself tend to work hard, but even by midweek, I’m ready for a break. And now that I’m a senior and working on my senior seminar project, I have a lot on my plate, though I do need to make sure that I’m taking care of myself and finding time for myself to breathe and even have fun.

Last semester, I had no classes on Fridays, which meant that my week ended by Thursday afternoon. This was a much welcome change of pace. Rarely having homework due the next day on Friday, I was able to spend my time on Thursday evenings more leisurely. I made Thursdays become my evening of the week to prioritize unwinding and I did a pretty good job using Friday afternoons and sometimes evenings to get work done. As a result, Thursdays quickly became my Fridays, and I liked it–I didn’t have to cram all of my downtime into a few consecutive days, and now, I don’t have to cram all of my working into a bunch of consecutive days.

This semester, even though I have one class on Fridays, I’ve decided to continue my habit of making Thursdays my Fridays–within reason; I’ll always have some assignments due the next day, but I don’t need to feel pressured to complete stuff for my Tuesday/Thursday classes on Thursday nights.

To unwind this Thursday evening, I’ve alternated between watching Project Runway and the Packers play the Seahawks in the Thursday Night Football NFL season opener. (My Packers are not doing well tonight, and since it’s the fourth quarter as I write this, I know it’s unlikely they’ll make a comeback.) Prior to tonight, I’ve spent every weeknight this week in the library past midnight, so this is a much-welcome chance for me to unwind.

The Green Bay Packers are my favorite football team. A more popular “green” sports team on campus is McDaniel’s own Green Terror.


Image credit: http://www.sports-logos-screensavers.com/GreenBayPackers.html

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