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My Two-Day School Week « Expect the Exceptional

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My Two-Day School Week

What an unusual first week of classes! Classes officially started on Tuesday due to Labor Day, and I must admit that I felt some apprehension the night before class. I was not only nervous for the new classes, but also for completely new professors, a new campus, new students, and a new atmosphere.

I am taking two political science classes for my major as well as some courses for the McDaniel Plan (including Photography and Salsa Dance!). Both of my classes on Tuesday were intriguing, especially due to the fact that I am in classes with students from around the world.  In my political science courses, I am with students who come from New Zealand, Ukraine, Cyprus and Iran, and this diversity created a fascinating discussion with ideas and thoughts that I had never before considered.

After Tuesday’s class, McDaniel students were able to see a familiar face- our very own President Casey spoke at McDaniel Budapest’s convocation ceremony, complete with his pop culture references and famous rap. After the ceremony, we were treated to a river cruise which made the first week in Budapest even more memorable (which I did not think was possible).

On Wednesday I had one class from 4-5:30, so during the day I was able to walk around Margitsziget (or Margaret Island) enjoying the beautiful weather. Unfortunately, due to eight hours of waiting at the immigration office for visas, McDaniel studeOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAnts had to miss Thursday classes. I think that I speak for everyone when I say that we would much rather sit in class than wait in a crowded waiting room.

Thursday concluded my school week as I do not have any classes scheduled for Fridays. Three day weekends every week- it is as great as it sounds. In order to celebrate the first week of classes (if one can call two days of classes a first week) my apartment mates and I walked five minutes to the Parliament building and had a picnic in front of the Danube- just a normal Friday lunch! Hopefully next week I will be able to attend each of my classes and begin a real schedule.

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