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Who’s that Blogger? « Expect the Exceptional

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Who’s that Blogger?


We are all back from summer break now, and although I have already introduced myself through my “Why McDaniel?” post, I would like to update you all on my life. I went to Costa Rica this summer, so there will most definitely be some blogs coming up about that. Due to the fact that I had such an awesome summer and beginning of the semester, many things have changed.

I am a junior this year, but I will be graduating early, so this is my last year at McDaniel, and my plan is to make the most of it. One of my new goals is to go to more sporting events and show my Green Terror pride!

I am doing my Senior Capstone this semester which should be interesting, considering the theme is Hispanic women. I am also taking two courses about language. In my Grammar and Usage class, I get a linguistics perspective of English while in my Minds and Language class, I get a philosophical perspective.

I have a new job as a Resident Assistant (RA) on campus, which has been tons of fun. I have a wonderful group of residents, so we get to talk and bond often. I am sure I will have plenty of stories about them as well.

All in all, this is shaping up to a fun semester, and I am so happy to be back at McDaniel.

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