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Global Fellows Colloquium « Expect the Exceptional

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Global Fellows Colloquium

On Thursday, September 11, I went to the Global Fellows Colloquium. The guest speaker was Dr. John MacAloon from the University of Chicago, and we debated the Geopolitics of Olympic Host Cities. This was the best colloquium we have had so far! It was really interactive, and it gave us the chance to show all of the hard work we had done.

Now, I would not consider myself to be an Olympic fanatic, but this colloquium really put into perspective for me all the benefits of having the Olympics. It is a way to bring people of different cultures together in sport. It is very unique in that respect; I cannot think of anything that unifies us in this way except the Olympics.

Through thorough research, we were able to formulate our opinions and simulate being members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in order to choose the host city for the 2022 Winter Olympics. Lots of people contributed and debated, but all in all, we voted to have Almaty, Kazakhstan host the 2022 Winter Olympics.

I am so proud to be a member of the Global Fellows. Every experience has brought me closer and closer to gaining cultural understanding, and it has inspired me to become better and to do better.

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