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McDaniel: My home for four years « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel: My home for four years

McDaniel College Changing Lives

Why McDaniel?

I chose McDaniel in the spring of my senior year of high school–it feels like so long ago now. However I am so lucky to have found out about this college. It was the last of six colleges I applied to, and I only found out about the college through a newly-hired guidance counselor. I read the chapter on McDaniel in the Colleges That Change Lives book and I was hooked.

I visited the website to learn more, started a dialogue with an admissions counselor, and I came to visit after I was accepted. The tour is what finalized my decision to be here on the Hill. To put this into perspective, I applied and was accepted to six schools and this is the one that won my heart.

I came to the college and was welcomed by the admissions office warmly. When I went on my tour I was a prospective biology major and so was the other student who was on tour with me. Professor Repsher came out of his office when he heard us come past. He asked us what we were looking to major in, and when we both said biology, he took us into the lab and showed us around the lab and talked to us. When this happened, I felt like this was a school where faculty actually feel like the students are worth something and make relationships with the students. I also saw some students and talked to the tour guides and they all seemed like normal everyday people. Some of the other schools I toured were so big, the faculty did not have time to talk to prospective students, or the students seemed like they had to have the nicest, newest clothes and the newest technology. That is not what I wanted. I wanted someplace I could make a home for the next four years of my life.

McDaniel has been my home for the past three years and will be for another year. I have found so many faculty members that care so much for the students. I have also found some wonderful friends. I am sad that I will be leaving a place that I have loved for so long, but I will come back to visit when I am an alumna.

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