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Leaps of Faith with Outdoors Club « Expect the Exceptional

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Leaps of Faith with Outdoors Club


Us all wearing our lovely harnesses and helmets.

Hey guys!

Yesterday was Outdoors Club’s first trip of the year, and what a dramatic start it was! We went to a high ropes course in Savage, MD, run by Terrapin Adventures.

Fifteen of us went, including people who seemed to be completely unafraid of heights and people who were trying to conquer their fears. The course had three levels, the highest being 40 feet above the security of the ground. I really fail to understand why we voluntarily do something that goes completely against our human nature, buy boy was it fun!

My favourite part was the small sections that were mini zip-lines. I’d thought about going zip-lining over summer, but it was too expensive, and this was the perfect amount.  Over summer, I had also taken a tumble of fifty feet or so down an extremely steep ravine, and since, I’ve been a little bit more conscious of my surroundings and I’ve been trying not to hurt myself. It was lovely to know that I could fool around and jump and dance around

At the end, we got to choose whether to climb down or to jump forty feet down. All of us decided to jump. Despite knowing consciously that I was at no risk thanks to the harnesses and ropes, it was still immensely terrifying to look down.

It was a great way to get out of my little academic world and to do something fun and physical with awesome people.


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