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Sports Talk: Green Terror Sports Across the Decades « Expect the Exceptional

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Sports Talk: Green Terror Sports Across the Decades

Hey guys!

Today, there was an alumni panel on sports across McDaniel. I learned some interesting facts.

  • The first sport at McDaniel was Club Swinging.greenterror
  • This sport was started by William Roberts McDaniel, our namesake. Since he ran that, and later, bicycling, he was kind of like our first athletic director.
  • The second sport was bicycling. They used Penny-Farthings.
  • In our first gym, you had to run 34 laps to run a mile. It was considered the best gym in Maryland at the time.
  • We lost our first football game in 1891 to Pennsylvania College (now Gettysburg.) The score was 0-64.
  • We won our second football game in 1891 against Pennsylvania College. The score was 61-0.
  • The name “Green Terrors” came about because our football team wasn’t green at all–they were like terrors when they came running down the field!

I’m not much of a sports person, but I really enjoyed hearing about more McDaniel history and seeing the alumni.


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