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Affinity Housing: Living in the Puppy House « Expect the Exceptional

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Affinity Housing: Living in the Puppy House

Affinity housing is a new experience for me this year. Affinity housing is where you live in a house which is filled with members from a certain campus organization. Currently, I am living in the Puppy House., a house for members of the Canine Companions for Independence (CCI), a.k.a. McDaniel Puppy Club. We are a campus organization which raises awareness for CCI. We also raise funds in order to raise a dog and train the dog to become a service dog.

Living in affinity housing is such a different experience from living in a regular dorm. I live with five other wonderful ladies who are all working hard for the same cause. We have learned so much about each other and we all work hard.

Right now we are working to raise funds to get another dog to live with us and to complete all the paperwork we need to make that happen. We also work hard because as an affinity member we have an obligation to represent McDaniel in a good light. We have to do a set number of service hours, our house is substance free, which means no alcohol, we hold house meetings, and we hold club meetings once a week.

I love living in this house and I would not trade it to live in a dorm. I love learning about the wonderful people I live with, working for good causes, helping the organization I belong to out by co-leading one event a semester, and I love the access to a kitchen and how much that has forged bonds between members of the house.

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