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Just a Normal Day in Class… « Expect the Exceptional

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Just a Normal Day in Class…

If you have examined the components of the McDaniel Plan, you were probably either thrilled or terrified when you noticed the “Creative Expression” requirement. Even if you are not an inherently artistic person, there are still a variety of classes that you might find bearable (or maybe even fun) such as Jewelry Design, or, the class I am taking now, Digital Photography. I am, self-admittedly, one of those non-artistic people. However, before enrolling in the class, I thought that since I will be taking pictures in Budapest, I might as well take a course to improve the photos I post on facebook for my parents.

Good decision on my part. In the class, we have learned basic camera rules and photography staples. I finally discovered the flash button location on my camera, so that was revolutionary for me. One of the most exciting aspects about the class is that for our photo assignments, we go on field trips around the city! This past Tuesday, my class traveled to Fisherman’s Bastion (a 15 minute metro ride from the school) and used the beautiful buildings as models for our “architecture and buildings” unit of the class. Other field trips include a hike to Buda Hills for the nature unit and a trip to one of the bridges for the night photography unit. Trips around Budapest for a routine class assignment- just a normal school day here at McDaniel.

To show you what I have learned so far in my photography class, here are a few of the pictures I took while on our first field trip. Fisherman’s Bastion is one of the top tourist attractions because of the panoramic views and lookout points of the city. Also, please do not judge me too harshly, like I said, I just discovered the flash button


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