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Novel Moments « Expect the Exceptional

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Novel Moments

When I was a freshman, I was under the impression that when I got to college, I would have large amounts of free time. I quickly realized that college still involved work. Hence, as my amount of free time began to dwindle so did the number of books I have read.

However, I had a life changing moment this past week. In my Spanish Capstone, we have to read books by female authors. Normally, I tend to dislike assigned books regardless of how good they are, but this book totally blew my mind.

Sab is a novel written by a Cuban author, Gerturdis Gómez de Avellaneda. It is about a slave who is in love with his master’s daughter. It has drama, romance, and brings up issues of social justice in many subtle ways.


This book has inspired me to try to read other novels this year. It reminded me how fun reading can be and how much I miss reading. Maybe I will try and finish another Spanish novel this year? Who knows? The possibilities are endless!

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