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People’s Climate March in New York City « Expect the Exceptional

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People’s Climate March in New York City

Hi guys,

I’m still exhausted and my head is still reeling from my day yesterday. Almost 50 McDaniel students took a bus up to New York City and joined more than 310,000  in protesting climate change with the People’s Climate March.WP_20140921_008

Our group was made up of a variety of different people, including students from Sustainability classes, students from our Green Life club, and students from our Progressive Student Union. We all arrived at the bus at the ungodly hour of 5:30AM in order to drive to the city and join people from all walks life to protest climate change.WP_20140921_035

The march was held because the UN is meeting this week in a summit on climate change. Though there were no specific demands requested by protesters, we were all alike in hoping that they will do something to changing the trajectory our world is currently on. This was the biggest climate change protest in history, and was accompanied by other marches across the globe.WP_20140921_033

It was inspirational to see everybody, each with their own specific story and cause, marching around the city. I was able to see friends from as far away as Wisconsin! It was also my first time (excluding a time I have no recollection of when I was 7) being in New York City and seeing icons such as Times Square. I’m hoping to have a chance to go back soon for a more cultural visit.




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