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Zagreb, Croatia « Expect the Exceptional

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Zagreb, Croatia

Thanks to our three day weekend and Budapest’s central location, a group of McDaniel study abroad students traveled to Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia and while it is not the main tourist city, (Split and other coastal towns attract the most tourists) it was still an amazing city to explore.


After waking up at 4:00 in the morning to catch our five hour bus ride, we were able to spend a good three days in Zagreb. Some highlights included the visit to the Zagreb City Museum, riding the world’s shortest funicular, climbing the lookout tower, shopping at a local market, walking around the city center and main streets, going on a free walking tour of the city (as a McDaniel tour guide, it was interesting to go on a tour opposed to giving a tour), and my personal favorite- visiting the Museum of Broken Relationships. If you have not heard of this museum, you should definitely look it up- it has been ranked on “Most Unique Museums” lists and was definitely the most memorable place I visited while in Zagreb.


Here are some of the most interesting pieces of information I learned while on this weekend excursion (see, I did make the trip educational!)


-Ties originate from Croatia

-The Dalmatian originates from Croatia

– A Croatian invented the fountain pen

– Zagreb’s population is around 800,000 while the population in Croatia totals around 4.2 million


I promise I learned much more about the history of Croatia, the history of Zagreb, and more about the culture- these are just some of the fun facts that I learned on our walking tour. I cannot wait to explore another city- just one of the many other perks about studying abroad!


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