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Classes I’m Taking This Semester « Expect the Exceptional

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Classes I’m Taking This Semester

In a weird change of pace, I’m not taking any reading heavy or paper heavy classes this semester. Instead, I’m in Digital Photography, New Media Writing, Chinese, my FYS, and Grammar and Usage.

Digital Photography is all about learning to use the settings on my camera, taking pictures, and editing those pictures so they look the best they can. Our assignments are all taking photos to fit a certain category or aim. This week is all about taking photos of light (not light sources, but the effect light has on things). It’s strange for me, but I like it.

New Media Writing involves blogging, tweeting, and using various sites for curating and socializing to learn and practice how to brand ourselves using logos, taglines, color schemes, etc. and get people to pay attention. It’s a really fun class with Dr. Muhlhauser that I would recommend to anyone interested in having their own online presence.

Chinese is a lot of fun, although just like learning any language, it’s difficult.

I’m not a freshman, so I’m not actually taking an FYS, but I am a peer mentor, so I go to the class sessions of the FYS I’m mentoring for. It’s a lot of fun, and it’s great to be able to do the readings, listen to the discussions, and then not have to write any papers. It’s like auditing a class, only I get internship credit.

The last class I’m taking is Grammar and Usage, which is one of two choices required for the English major. It sounds boring, and the readings are pretty dull, but the class discussions are usually interesting. We debate the uses of words, regional slang, the logic of how words are created, what category words are in sentences, and once had a long discussion on whether or not “gust” can act as both a noun and a verb.

As you can see, I have a wide range of classes this semester, which I’m really excited about. They’ve all been pretty good so far, and I’m hoping that continues.

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