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Adventures in food « Expect the Exceptional

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Adventures in food

Cooking on a college campus is always an interesting prospect. I know I have a lot of allergies and dietary restrictions so it has been interesting coming up with innovative ways to overcome these hurtles. I lived in dormitories on campus for the first three years of my college experience and each year I got a little better at adapting.
My first year was a lot of microwave macaroni and cheese and leftover pizza and of course food from Glar, our dining hall. However in my second year I became an innovator, by midterms of my fall semester I had learned how to make a five course meal including cake for dessert using my micro fridge. Although this year I am grateful I have a kitchen. I learned to cook long grain rice, steamed vegetables, and even pasta was not hard to make by the end of the year.
This year I get to wow my housemates with chicken tacos, apple pie, buffalo dip and chocolate chip pancakes (for breakfast this morning), yum! I also get to make my own homemade pizza and mac and cheese although there are days when I miss the microwavable kind but I would not give up the ability to have a kitchen for the world it makes such a difference. For example two Thursdays ago I was able to bring a homemade apple pie to a club meeting for a snack! It went over beautifully and I was so happy.

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