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Life Without a Dryer: McDaniel Budapest Realizations « Expect the Exceptional

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Life Without a Dryer: McDaniel Budapest Realizations

I just realized that I have never adequately described the McDaniel Budapest campus. How could I have missed that? Although McDaniel Europe does have similarities to the main campus in Westminster, it is an extremely different college and here are some of the main differences I have experienced during my time at the Budapest campus so far.

1. The student body is much smaller. While McDaniel Westminster has about 1,700 students, the campus in Budapest is maybe 1/15 of this size.

2. Because of the difference in size, there are also fewer professors and classes.

3. McDaniel in Maryland has a diverse student body, but on the Budapest campus, students come from all around the world. In one class, I have seven students who come from seven different countries.

4. No Glar (our beloved dining hall in Westminster). The Budapest campus has a small cafeteria, but it is nothing compared to Glar; I miss the convenience and atmosphere of the dining hall- especially the theme nights and the Mongolian grill!

5. The trek to school in Budapest is an actual trek. In Westminster, I can walk to any one of my classes in five minutes. Here, my voyage from my apartment to school is twenty minutes, so I actually have to plan my day in advance.

6. The appliances are somewhat complicated in Budapest. You might think that I am being funny, but I do struggle with them daily (if you ask other students in Budapest, they will most likely agree with me). We have a gas oven/stove, I guess every time I use the washer (I just push random buttons until I hear the water), and there are no dryers in any of the apartments.


While I am sure that I will think of more differences later, these are the main differences that my friends and I discussed this afternoon while our clothes were drying out the windows.

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