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2014 September « Expect the Exceptional

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French Film Festival

This week I had the opportunity to attend the french film festival at McDaniel. While in attendance several things caught my attention.

First off it was extremely packed for a Monday evening film. And although the French department makes it a requirement for current French students to attend, a lot of staff also make it […]

Tailgating is back


Yes, that’s right tailgating is back on the hill. This past weekend our football team had it’s home opener here on the hill. While the outcome of the game didn’t go as most of us Green Terror fans had hoped, the atmosphere was lovely.

The weather at the game was amazing. It was about […]

Nostalgia – Italy

Last semester, I studied abroad in a tiny town in Italy called Tuscania. I spent four months there getting to know the people, the places. I miss it immensely and I began to feel nostalgic today and decided to write about the beautiful scenes of my study abroad experience, hoping that you too would feel […]

Arabian Nights

Me with my Riqq (tambourine) 🙂

Every day, I wake up with Arabian drumming patterns stuck in my head. Not because I have Aladdin DVRed on my TV and saved for all of eternity (though I do), but because Global Drumming Traditions happens to be a part of my crazy, full schedule this […]

Baugher’s Adventures


Today, I made my first trip to the Baugher’s Farm. The Baugher’s restaurant is within walking distance so that is where I thought my friend and I would be going, but she wanted to visit the farm; I had no idea that there was a part two to Baugher’s, but it makes perfect sense […]