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2014 September « Expect the Exceptional

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Study Abroad (aka My Summer in Scotland)

Last week I mentioned that I was lucky enough to study abroad in Scotland for two months this summer (although given the recent Indepence Referendum there, I probably should have gone this fall). It was an amazing time that I can’t sum up into a few words, but I’ll try: fun, history, traveling, friends, dances […]

Affinity Housing: Living in the Puppy House

Affinity housing is a new experience for me this year. Affinity housing is where you live in a house which is filled with members from a certain campus organization. Currently, I am living in the Puppy House., a house for members of the Canine Companions for Independence (CCI), a.k.a. McDaniel Puppy Club. We are a […]

Visiting McDaniel

I still vividly remember visiting McDaniel three-and-a-half years ago. I was sitting in my father’s minivan reading Frankenstein for my senior English class and I was trying to hold in all my nerves. This was the last college tour I would be going on and I was really hoping McDaniel would be the one. Before […]

Reflections and Adventures

Here is another post that focuses more on my reflections after the Balaton trip:


In addition, if you are interested in reading more about McDaniel students’ adventures in Balaton and other study tours, here is a link to the other blog: https://studytoursmcdaniel.wordpress.com/

While I was studying abroad in France, one of my friends from […]

Best Study Spot on Campus

I think perhaps the hardest thing for me this year has been finding a really great spot to study. Last year, I used to study on the entry floor of the library with friends, but as much as I love my friends, I never get any work done when I am around them. Hence, my […]