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Oktoberfest Volunteering « Expect the Exceptional

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Oktoberfest Volunteering

Today, I went to the Westminster Oktoberfest to volunteer with the Roteract Club. I volunteered last year as well, so I already knew I was going to have tons of fun. Oktoberfest is a German celebratory festival. The one we have here involves vendors, food, and live music.

Live music!

Live music!

As a volunteer, I got to work parking, which is surprisingly fun. You get to greet people as them come in and help direct them. They also give us donations, which go toward our club and Rotary as a whole.

I love seeing the people in the town getting all dressed up in lederhosen. There are always tons of kids coming in and out, which always makes me smile.

On my break, I went go inside for a bit. I ate a pretzel with delicious coffee. The pretzel was less fully than the ones we are used to, but it was very sweet.


My pretzel and coffee combo next to my donation bucket.

I think my favorite part of this festival is getting to interact with people of Westminster. There are some really cool people in the area, and this is a fun opportunity to get to meet some of them.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed my day of volunteering. Go Roteract!

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