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McDaniel Plan: What is it? « Expect the Exceptional

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McDaniel Plan: What is it?

The McDaniel plan is the way in which the college ensures you’re getting a well-rounded education. Requirements include but are not limited to scientific-inquiry, textual analysis, Jan Term, and Sophomore Interdisciplinary Studies.
Some classes I have taken that have fulfilled the requirements for me have been include Drama Therapy for my sophomore Inner Disciplinary Studies course, Introduction to Biology, Introduction to psychology, and Performance and culture.
Benefits include a better appreciation for the written word and oral presentation. I have learned to jump back and forth between Apa and MLA writing styles, I have also learned various forms of presenting. Other benefits are that you can fulfill these requirements while looking at different majors if you’re unsure what to declare. I came in a biology major on track for pre-med but by the end of my freshman year I realized this is not what I wanted and classes like Intro to psychology, Intro to sociology, and Human behavior in the social environment helped me pick what path I eventually wanted to take and they helped me fulfill requirements while I was looking for where I truly belonged.
The McDaniel plan keeps you active with gym credits. I have taken tennis, hap ki do, and yoga core to fulfill requirements for the McDaniel plan. I have enjoyed all of these classes however yoga core was by far my favorite. These classes help you find skills, inner strength and fight off the freshman fifteen.
It also keeps you involved in other areas of study besides just your major. I have met amazing professor outside of my major and I have met students on campus and become friends with them that on a normal day I would not have run into because they were not in my major. If not for the McDaniel Plan my life would be less than what it is today.

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