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Apple Picking « Expect the Exceptional

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Apple Picking

WP_20141004_009Hey guys,WP_20141004_016

This weekend, I convinced my friends to go apple picking with me at Baugher’s. They have an orchard less than ten minutes away from campus, and it costs a dollar to go picking (though you have to pay for the fruit afterwards.) We got to ride from the marketplace to the orchards on haycarts, which was quite cute.

There were six different types of apples growing, and I got to educate myself on what apples other than “the red ones” and “the green ones” taste like–in my limited experience, this was all I had needed to know. My new favourite type of apple is the MutsuWP_20141004_011 apple, which is both sour and sweet at the same time and completely delicious. We ate apples as we picked, which is the best time to eat apples–straight from the branch!

Afterwards, we went to their petting zoo. While my friends went to find the goats and cows, I got distracted by a sweet little kitten that decided he was my new best friend. I must have sat there for at least twenty minutes just playing with him. I miss my cats, so I was really happy.

Now, we’ve baked a lot of apple things–apple pancakes and apple crisp and apple quiche


1 comment to Apple Picking

  • Annie Brown

    My favorite apples are the Fuji variety–crisp-not-mushy, juicy, and the perfect combination of sweet and tart. They also go great with peanut butter 🙂

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