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Bratislava, Slovakia « Expect the Exceptional

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Bratislava, Slovakia

Bratislava, Slovakia is only a two and a half hour bus ride from Budapest – the perfect weekend destination. Two other friends and I found round trip bus tickets for $24 and a hostel for $20 a night. With prices like these, why wouldn’t we make the trip to visit Bratislava?

This weekend was one of the most memorable weekends for me. We went on a three hour walking tour of the city, visited the city museum, walked around Bratislava Castle, explored the ruins at Devin Castle, ate the traditional Slovakian dish with sheep cheese, walked along the Danube River at evening with the UFO Bridge in the background, and met a captivating group of Australian backpackers at our hostel.  There were so many fantastic moments and I enjoyed every minute of the trip. This weekend convinced me that I want to have a career where traveling, exploring new places, and meeting new people are normal occurrences.

In Bratislava, this desire was almost like an epiphany moment. I always thought that I wanted to travel after college, but after this trip, I firmly believe that traveling is one definite requirement for my career. I am not exactly sure what that career might be, but I am hoping that Professor Ambrose at the Writing Center, the Center for Experience and Opportunity (CEO Office), and my academic adviser will help me sort out that (small?) detail. For now, I will continue to travel and when I return to McDaniel hopefully I can start making this dream become a reality!


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