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Corn Mazes Amaze Me « Expect the Exceptional

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Corn Mazes Amaze Me

Hi there,

As an RA, I’m part of the FAB team–the team that looks after Forlines, ANW and Blanche–and since we’re fabulous, we occasionally go on staff bonding outings. The weekend before last, our Area Coordinator planned a surprise for us. We were supposed to bri

Picture from Cornfusion Site

ng flashlights and preferably wear closed toed shoes (though I am currently boycotting closed toed shoes as I have to buy a new pair!)

We were given an address to meet at about twenty minutes away from McDaniel. By the time we left, it seemed everyone except for me knew that we were going on a corn maze. Since we left in the late evening, it was pretty dark when we got there. Not only did we have to navigate a huge maze, we had to navigate it with only the light of our flashlights to guide us!

Since some of us were on duty (meaning that some of us were the RAs making sure our areas were safe and well) for the evening, we had to go back to campus by 9. Because of this, we didn’t make it through to the end of the maze. However, it was great fun bonding with my staff. We have an interesting dynamic and we give each other a hard time with a lot of love and affection, so it’s always super fun to be around them.

Picture from Cornfusion site

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