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10 Hours Driving, a XC Meet, and Great Wolf Lodge « Expect the Exceptional

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10 Hours Driving, a XC Meet, and Great Wolf Lodge

I’m usually home over Fall Break, but this year our cross country team decided to do something new. We went on a trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Virginia after a meet there.

We drove down to a hotel near the meet on Friday night, ran Saturday morning–although I was unable to run due to an injury, unfortunately. The women’s team got second, the men’s team got first, and we had at least three people from both teams place in the top ten, one of the guys getting second. Then we drove the three or so hours down to Great Wolf Lodge.


Once there, we split up to change and head down to their giant indoor waterpark. For anyone that has never been there, the place is designed mostly designed for kids, with mini-parades, story times, and games of bingo where everyone gets to win happening throughout the day, along with more fun activities. The entire building is set up for a game called ShadowQuest, and many children staying there for a while get wands to play. The waterpark itself has a lot of stuff designed for children, but plenty designed for an older crowd, as well, such as a pool with basketball hoops and a slide called the Howling Tornado.

The team went out to dinner with each other, played games at night, and then went to bed. Some people went to the waterpark again the next morning. Others, like my friends and I, chose to sleep in and take it easy. We then spent a couples hours in Colonial Williamsburg to get lunch and look around.

And pet horses.

And pet horses.

It was a long drive back to campus today (4 hours) but it definitely could have been longer. In total, we spent over 10 hours driving, but it was definitely worth it to get away from homework, spend time with friends, and enjoy the first two days of Fall Break.

And I’m actually looking forward to getting some homework done in the morning.

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